Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Identifying Independent and Dependent Clauses

Identifying Independent and Dependent Clauses An independent clause (also known as a main clause) is a word group that has both a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a sentence. A dependent clause (also known as a subordinate clause) is a word group that has both a subject and a verb but cant stand alone as a sentence. A sentence may consist of a single independent clause, multiple independent clauses linked by a conjunction, or a combination of independent and dependent clauses. The key to distinguishing a dependent clause is this: a dependent clause adds information to the independent clause. Perhaps it gives context about time, place, or identity, perhaps it answers why? the action in the independent/main clause is happening, perhaps it clarifies something from the main clause. Whatever the case may be, the information contained in that clause is in support of the the main clause. This exercise will help you recognize the difference between an independent clause and a dependent clause. Instructions: For each item below, write independent if the group of words is an independent clause or dependent if the group of words is a dependent clause. The details in this exercise have been loosely adapted from the essay Bathing in a Borrowed Suit, by Homer Croy. ____________________I went to the beach last Saturday____________________I borrowed an old bathing suit from a friend____________________because I had forgotten to bring my own bathing suit____________________while the waist on my borrowed suit would have been tight on a doll____________________my friends were waiting for me to join them____________________when suddenly they stopped talking and looked away____________________after some rude boys came up and began to make insulting remarks____________________I abandoned my friends and ran into the water____________________my friends invited me to play in the sand with them____________________although I knew that I had to come out of the water eventually____________________a large dog chased me down the beach____________________as soon as I got out of the water Answers independentindependentdependentdependentindependentdependentdependentindependentindependentdependentindependentdependent

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